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SophiaMatrix Training UG
SophiaMatrix Training UG
+49 8341 / 9664100



DAV Kaufbeuren
DAV Kaufbeuren
DAV Kaufbeuren-Gablonz, Buronstraße 99, 87600 Kaufbeuren
To the


Mar 08 - 10 2024


All Day



ImmunSymbiosis 2 Seminar (3 days) – german

New Date: March 08th. – 10th. 2024


Repeat discount 50%

(details further down)


Seminar language: German

For patients, affected persons, therapists and interested parties

incl. drinks, snacks, lunch Saturday and Sunday
incl. access to all recordings of the 3 days for 4 weeks
incl. link to download the shown Powerpoint

Admission requirements

Completion ImmunSymbiosis© Seminar 1 recommended


Registration possible at any time.

Access to the videos and link to Powerpoints will be sent via email afterwards.

For questions and registration please contact Pamela Lecher:

Either by email:
or by phone:  49 (0) 8341 966 4100

All ImmunSymbiosis© courses are tax-exempt as educational services according to § 4 No. 21. a) bb) UStG!


Topics update:

  • ImmunSymbiosis© 2 in the context of Medicine reloaded



Other aspects of the ImmunSymbiosis©

  • chronic immune reactions to meningococci
  • Viruses and microbial toxins as built-in tumor prophylaxis
  • Staphylococci and streptococci for regulation of blood clotting
  • Emotional issues behind certain germs and their solution
  • Comprehensible insights into the processes of immunology from the perspective of ImmunSymbiosis©


ImmunSymbiosis© in the context of various diseases

  • extrahepatic effects of chronic hepatitis
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Fibromyalgia
  • the role of neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, depression, fibromyalgia, motor neuron disease and other disorders


Evolution takes place in the connective tissue

  • the decisive organ – the extracellular matrix – connective tissue | fascia | lymph
  • THE instance for regeneration and new development
  • the decisive microbiome – the connective tissue microbiome
  • the crucial cell – the fibroblast
  • the coagulation of the lymph
  • restructuring of DNA in connective tissue


Immune system modulation as a central treatment step

  • Strategies to get complex chronically ill patients out of the zero-tolerance corner
  • Effect and application of frequency chords and other immunomodulatory interventions
  • interesting laboratory data
  • PubMed studies on all topics
  • recurrent causal chains in the development of certain symptom patterns


Repeat discount 50%

Each repetition of a seminar brings new insights. To make sure you don’t miss them, there is a 50% discount on the repetition of the same seminar as well as its recording. This option is available for all ImmunSymbiosis© 1 & 2 seminars.

How to get the discount

When booking, you can specify in the email that it is a repetition.


Fine print

ImmunSymbiosis© is a complex model for the development of chronic diseases and solutions. A testing method such as kinesiology to apply the ImmunSymbiosis© strategies is beneficial, but not mandatory.

The contents of this course can be integrated into any therapeutic practice or serve as self-help for patients and interested persons. No special prior knowledge is required.

The protocols for our case studies from the SophiaHealth practice are often based on the SophiaViva remedies, which were developed there specifically for the treatment of these patients based on the research there.

In the seminar, the mode of action as well as the production, composition and scientific background of the remedies used are explained transparently.

Thus, the principle of ImmunSymbiosis© can of course also be integrated into a treatment independently of SophiaViva with other remedies.

This course does NOT teach any content from the curriculum of methods according to Dr. Klinghardt (ART Autonomous Response Test, PK Psycho-Kinesiology, MFT Mental Field Techniques), unless they are already mentioned in the book “ImmunSymbiosis©”.

Courses for MatrixTechnique© and ImmunSymbiosis© are conducted by SophiaMatrix® UG (haftungsbeschränkt). For questions regarding training in the methods ART, PK and MFT according to Dr. Klinghardt please contact the INK Institute für Neurobiology according to Dr. Klinghardt.

These INK courses are NOT a prerequisite for ImmunSymbiosis© or MatrixTechnique seminars©.

Hourly Schedule

Friday 08.03.

13:00 - 20:00

Saturday 09.03.

09:30 - 19:00

Sunday 10.03.

09:30 - 17:00
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